Хүний амьдралд юу эс тохиолдоховв заримдаа depress-д гүн автаж нтр амьдрал утга учиргүй болсон мэт санагдах үе гардаг байв. Тэр үед энэ хэсгүүдийг уншихаар тайварширдаг юм. Энэ хэсгүүд бол миний Gita дахь хамгийн дуртай хэсгүүд юм.
Chapter 2, text 12
Never was there a time I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.
hoerdugaar buleg shuleg 12
Bi, chi bolon ene buh haaduud es orshin baisan tsag uy gej hezee ch baigaagui. Mun ireedui-d bidnii hen negen ni es orshin gesen yvdal ugui bilee.
Chapter 2 text 20
For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not into being, does not come into being, and well not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever existing and primavel he is not slain when the body is slain.
hoerdugaar buleg shuleg 20
Sunsnii huved turult mun uhel gej hezee ch baidaggui. Ter hezee ch uusej bii boloogui, hezee ch bii boldoggui, hezee ch bii bolohgui. Mer turduggui, munhiin bainga orshin baidag, anhdagch. Biye mahbodi uhej uregdehed ch ter uhej uregddeggui.
Chapter 7 text 7
O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rest upon Me, as a pearls are strung on a thread.
doldugaar buleg shuleg 7
Ai baylag-iig ezlegch mine e, Nadaas deesh unen gej baidaggui bilee. Buh zuil ni utsand helhsen suvd adil Nadad tulguurlan orshij baidag.
Quoted by Bhagavad gita As it is Mongolia